Price differences between country sites of the same travel organization
When booking a (camping) holiday through a travel agency like Eurocamp or Lux-camp, it may be wise to check the prices of the campsite(s) of your preference for different versions of the same organization.
For example, Eurocamp, uses for the United Kingdom / England, for The Netherlands and for Germany.
When comparing these prices, found differences up from 30% to 40% for exact same accommodation at exactly the same campsite with the same residence dates.
For example, some accommodations in France in May were up to 40% more expensive on the Dutch version than on the English version. German prices were in between those two.
Prices in the summer holidays were up to 40% higher on the English version compared to those on the Dutch version.
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These kind of differences do not only apply to camping holidays, but also for package holidays to, for example, Spain and Greece. If you compare prices from the same travel agency in different countries, you will find big differences.
Fortunately, today there are no restrictions on booking via a foreign website.
There are also organizations that are very transparent. Vacansoleil puts both the prices in pounds and those in euros on the English website, with the latest prices being the same prices as published on the Dutch website.
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